
Orange County Almanac

In the recently released Irvine Business Survey, 87% of business owners who responded say business conditions are the same or better since first locating in the city.

Twenty-eight percent say business conditions are improving, with 11% reporting a declining business environment.

Fifty-nine percent say business conditions in the city are “about the same.”

Surveys were sent to 5,900 commercial businesses in the city, with 790 responses received. The annual survey is conducted by the Irvine Chamber of Commerce and city officials.



A seminar on “risk-adjusted investing” will be offered in Newport Beach.

William Saffer, a first vice president at Prudential Securities, will lead a discussion of strategies that can help investors reduce the risks involved in stock market investments.

The seminar begins at 3 p.m. at the Sheraton Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd.

Information: (800) 854-8696.
