

Spotlight on achievers

Stephen D. Freeland

Senior design engineer, La Habra

Rockwell has named Freeland Engineer of the Year, the company’s highest honor for technical achievement. Corporate executives at Rockwell Autonetics Electronic Systems Division in Anaheim lauded Freeland for creating electrical power conditioning and load control electronics for high technology systems.

A seven-year Rockwell employee, Freeland is a recognized expert in “power electronics” and has been a career seminar lecturer at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont. He has a doctorate in electrical engineering from Caltech.


Glen R. Justice

Medical director, Fountain Valley

Justice has been appointed medical director of the Orange County Regional Cancer Center, located at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center.


“We want to push forward with a proactive agenda, including the continuation of clinical research in cancer treatment and the active involvement of the hospital, physicians and the community in cancer prevention and education,” Justice said.

Justice, 50, is certified in internal medicine, oncology and hematology.


Bill Sherry

Senior, Tustin High School

Sherry recently received congressional appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis. The appointment was made by Congressman Christopher Cox (R-Newport Beach).

Sherry serves a one of two presidents of the Kiwanis-sponsored Key Club at Tustin High School and was a member of the varsity football team.



Andrew Hall

Westminster police lieutenant

The Westminster City Council recently honored Hall for performing his police duties in an exemplary manner even while he was a law student at Western State College of Law in Fullerton. He passed the bar exam in December.

In 1990, Hall won the law school’s Law Enforcement Scholarship award. In 1993, he received the Thurgood Marshall Scholarship in recognition for his work on civil rights issues.


Park Eung Hwan

Volunteer, Garden Grove

The Garden Grove City Council has honored Park, former president of the Korean American Senior Assn. of Orange County, for his work in one of the largest Asian American organizations in the county.


Last year, Park organized a group of Korean seniors to pick up litter on city streets and parks once a month. His group also provided activities for Korean immigrants, including a program that allowed seniors to share their experiences and hand down traditions to young Koreans.

