
Here’s a switch--Godzilla saves L.A.!Downtown artists Nancy...

Here’s a switch--Godzilla saves L.A.!Downtown artists Nancy Uyemura and Qathryn Brehm have a suggestion for revitalizing Little Tokyo--build a shrine to Japanese sci-fi movies.

“It would be the first of its kind in the country,” Uyemura pointed out.

The Godzilla Museum is one of the concepts contained in the Little Tokyo Opportunities Inventory, which grew out of a series of meetings of artists and other professionals organized by the Community Redevelopment Agency.

Uyemura hopes that backing for the Godzilla would be provided by the entertainment community, including Toho, the Japanese company that hatched the terrible-tempered critter.


“We thought it would really be fun to have Godzilla and another monster on the building, perhaps several stories high, having a laser battle on weekend nights,” Uyemura said. “You hear that people don’t want to go Downtown at night. But people feel safer in the light, and there would be plenty of light in a laser battle.”

We give it our roar of approval.


So that’s where he got that swing!We mentioned how reruns often take on second meanings, such as the “Taxi” episode in which Latka tells his mother that “in America, anyone can be like O.J. Simpson!”

Now let’s turn to actor Jack Nicholson. You know, the guy who battered another driver’s car with a golf club after a dispute in Toluca Lake. The incident was parodied during the Oscar show by emcee David Letterman.


So what clip was shown during a later tribute to director Michelangelo Antonioni during the Oscar show? Nicholson, stranded in the desert in the 1975 Antonioni film “The Passenger,” battering his disabled car with a tire iron.


What’s worse than being just a number?”My boss gets probably a dozen mail solicitations a day for charitable contributions,” writes Rose Wolfhope, a secretary for Norman A. Rubin & Associates, an investment real estate firm.

“This one just arrived. Any contributions we make will, of course, be anonymous. And the check will be written with invisible ink.”



OK, hold us in contempt of contest!We couldn’t resist leaking some of the early returns in our reader competition to determine who among the Simpson trial cast would make the best (or worst) neighbors and best (or worst) house guests.

Joanne Gonzales (with Katharina Smith assenting) votes for Kato as house guest--”and I’m referring to the canine.”

John Daykin votes for Mark Fuhrman as house guest (“Maybe he’d go around picking up pieces of my clothing off the floor”) and against F. Lee Bailey as neighbor (“My garden would wilt under shadow of neighbor’s ego”).

As for ideal neighbor, Ian Dennelly says: “Is there any more logical choice than the O.J. jurors? They won’t be home for at least six months.”

miscelLAny Author and “renowned relationship expert” Barbara De Angelis, who is teaching the Learning Annex seminar “Making Love Work,” has been married five times.
