
COSTA MESA : Council Takes Swipes at Proposed Tax Hike

Costa Mesa City Council members said Wednesday that they oppose a half-cent increase in the county sales tax, a proposal approved early Wednesday morning by the Board of Supervisors, who placed it before voters for ratification in a special election June 27.

“The county needs more incentive for restructuring,” said Mayor Joe Erickson. “Business cannot be going on as usual. I think the county is looking for an easy fix, and this is definitely not the solution.”

Council members said the county, which already is planning to slash $188 million from its fiscal 1995-96 budget, should make additional budget cuts instead of raising the sales tax from 7.75% to 8.25%.


“We believe there are cuts that can be made,” said Councilwoman Mary Hornbuckle, speaking on behalf of the council. “We, as a city, have made an enormous amount of cutbacks since 1990.”

Council members Sandra L. Genis, Gary Monahan and Peter F. Buffa also opposed the sales-tax increase, which will appear on the ballot as Measure R. If passed, the tax is expected to generate $130 million annually, beginning Jan. 1, 1996.

“The county has to make some radical change on how to do business,” Genis said. “To just pass a tax helps them to get on with business as usual.”
