
SEAL BEACH : Farmers Market Plan Runs Into Opposition

City business leaders thought a weekly farmers market would bring new business to local merchants and a little “charm” to the community, but their proposal ran into a buzz saw of opposition from Councilwoman Marilyn Bruce Hastings.

“The whole proposal is ill-conceived,” Hastings told council members Monday night. “Why are we inviting outside vendors into town to compete with our established merchants?”

Hastings also warned that local traffic would be snarled and neighborhoods overrun with the 500 to 1,000 people drawn to a weekly farmers market.


The Seal Beach Business Assn. and the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce proposed a trial run of the idea for three consecutive Wednesdays in May from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vendors would sell fresh produce on the south side of Ocean Avenue between 8th and 10th streets.

Chamber of Commerce President Marcel Daniels said he is surprised at Hastings’ opposition.

“We thought it would add to the charm of downtown Seal Beach,” Daniels said. “We’re not anticipating it causing the myriad of problems she foresees. If it doesn’t work after a trial-run period, then you just don’t renew it.”

Councilwoman Gwen Forsythe said she does not anticipate huge crowds jamming city streets from a weekly farmers market.


“I don’t think we’re dealing with the volume of a car show or a sidewalk sale,” Forsythe said. “I like the idea of being able to walk somewhere where I can buy fresh produce.”

Council members agreed to postpone action on the proposal until community members and business owners can take part in the decision.
