
CASTING CALL / Auditions

Preregistration will be held between April 1 and 19 for chorus roles in the touring production of “42nd Street,” which will play May 10 to 14 at the Civic Arts Plaza. Those selected in this Theater League-Oaks Shopping Center publicity stunt will be included in the “Lullaby of Broadway” number for all eight shows and receive “a small honorarium” for their efforts. Prospective participants should sign in at the shopping center’s customer service center (in the Broadway Court) during all mall hours from Saturday through Wednesday, or until auditions are filled to capacity, which did happen last time. Actual auditions will be held on April 22, at 1 p.m. in the center’s JC Penney Court. Participants may audition for both singing and dancing parts; singers will be requested to perform at least 16 bars of the song “Lullaby of Broadway.” All selections are at the discretion of the Theater League staff, and those chosen will be notified within one week of the audition date and given a rehearsal schedule. For further information, call 495-2031. (Anyone who has participated in one or more of the earlier promotions in this series and would like to share their experience, please contact Casting Call by fax at (213) 462-3168, leaving your name and telephone number).


Like the Ojai Art Center, Plaza Players and virtually everybody else, the Conejo Players will use several different casts for its upcoming version of “Love Letters,” to be performed June 25 through July 16. The script calls for one man and one woman, ages 30 to 50, who relive their relationship by reading love letters they’ve exchanged through the years. Director Jere-Rae Mansfield will hold auditions on April 8 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Conejo Players’ Theater, 251 S. Moorpark Road in Thousand Oaks. For further information, call Scott at (818) 597-0428.


The Conejo Players will hold auditions for its upcoming version of “Wait Until Dark.” The cast includes several men and women, ages 25 to 50, and a girl, 9 to 12. Auditions will consist of readings from the script. Auditions will take place at 2:30 p.m. on April 9 and at 7:30 p.m. April 10 and 11 at the Conejo Players’ Theater, 351 S. Moorpark Road in Thousand Oaks. Performances will be June 16 through July 22. For further information, call Donna at 495-6391.



Auditions will be held April 9 and 10 for a melodrama, title yet unspecified, to be produced by the Ojai Art Center between June 16 and July 8. Bill Spellman has written, they tell us, “a fun new musical play with all the old cliches,” and Director Evelyn Raft is looking for a classic young hero and heroine, a kindly uncle-guardian, the villain-town mayor, an Irish cop, a pretty tea shop owner, a mature woman and males of various ages to play assorted supporting roles. Auditions will be held at 7 p.m. at the Ojai Center for the Arts, 113 S. Montgomery St. in Ojai. For further information, call 649-3382.
