
Jackie in the Eye of Her Beholders

At last I have found a heroine (“Jackie Goldberg and Her Lesson Plan for L.A. Politics,” by James Rainey, March 5). As an educator, a parent of two disabled adult children, an advocate for disabled rights, and a lonely liberal living in Orange County, I had lost all hope that a humanitarian could ever be elected to public office and survive.

The people of Orange County are sinking in a mire of financial, moral and ethical bankruptcy. About to be especially harmed are the elderly, disabled and blind residents, whose in-home care is being threatened by the takeover of a large for-profit corporation.

We desperately need elected officials with the courage and conviction to represent the interests and needs of our most vulnerable citizens. Please clone Goldberg 10 times and send all of them to Orange County.


Roslyn Howard



It is important that the entire community becomes more informed about this exceptional woman, one of the finest persons I’ve ever had the opportunity to know. Rainey’s profile shows her to be caring, loving, concerned, committed and dedicated. I understand fully what Mayor Richard Riordan means when he said that Goldberg “could make an excellent mayor.”

When I was superintendent of schools for the Los Angeles Unified School District, I met with her often, especially when she was president of the school board. Many times, after these sessions and after watching her in action at board meetings, it occurred to me what a good superintendent of schools she would make. Perhaps the school board someday will consider her for that position.

Leonard M. Britton

Los Angeles


Rainey did a good job of enlightening the misguided, hopelessly naive, white, middle-class taxpayers who foot the bill for Goldberg’s activism. While we try to educate our children in public schools that worsen by the day, work harder for lower wages and pay higher taxes for fewer services, Goldberg has used her time in office to enact expensive legislation that the city cannot afford and to disparage an already demoralized police department.


I don’t know what’s worse: her conviction that her motives are morally superior, or the implication that all white (especially male) middle-class Los Angeles residents couldn’t care less about the plight of the poor. Neither of the aforementioned is correct. Is the electorate ever going to be free of these out-of-touch, self-righteous 1960s narcissists?

Christian F. LaMond

Los Angeles


Rainey’s glowing tribute to the politically correct Goldberg overlooked her haughty defense of female firefighter trainees who couldn’t even lift a ladder, yet blamed the “faulty” equipment. When Goldberg volunteers to be carried down five stories on a ladder by one of these female trainees, then I will listen.

John Jaeger



You mentioned Jackie Goldberg as a possible future candidate for mayor. Funny, I was thinking President.

David Uible



The profile of Goldberg failed to mention her narrow 625-vote 1992 council victory over Tom La Bonge. It also neglected to mention what she really did during her school board reign, or anything she’s done during this two-year term at council. Nothing is the appropriate word to describe her accomplishments.

Christine Mills O’Brien

Los Angeles


After reading Rainey’s article, all I can say is how thankful I am that I live in Orange County.


Mark A. Muckenthaler

San Juan Capistrano
