

Cities to Request HUD Funds for Projects Despite Opposition Despite complaints from residents who recently urged the Fullerton and La Habra city councils to reject federal money for community development projects, the two governing bodies have adopted plans seeking the funds.

City officials said the money--$2.3 million for Fullerton and $772,000 for La Habra available from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)--will help fund programs and nonprofit organizations that aid the poor, youths, senior citizens and homeless in the two cities.

But several residents in each city said they oppose receiving HUD funds because they would be spent to build affordable housing projects for low-income residents.


“We want the federal government out of our lives,” gadfly Merceline La Porte told the La Habra City Council last week. “We don’t need this, because the money is being wasted.”

“Housing is a private sector problem,” Fullerton resident H.W. Thompson told his council last week. “Why not cut taxes and not depend on the federal government?”

Officials said HUD already has aside the money for both cities. If the cities don’t accept it, the funds will go to other cities.


“You need that money,” resident Gil Perkins told Fullerton council members. “Think of all the good it will do. . . . Keep the money. Take it! Take it!”

The La Habra council unanimously approved a plan to apply for the money, while Fullerton’s council voted 3 to 2 to do the same. Councilmen Chris Norby and Peter Godfrey cast the dissenting votes.

“I don’t support applying for any additional federal money at all,” Norby said.

Added Godfrey: “We’re trying to make a political statement. Anybody who doesn’t see that has missed the boat.”
