
Maxine Waters

* Re “Rep. Waters Fights the GOP Tide,” May 8:

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles) lives true to her reputation. She continues to view activist government as the salvation for her constituents and other lower-class people throughout the country. All this, despite decades worth of proof that government-generated aid has failed to remedy our society’s ills (indeed, many of society’s woes are worse).

Her stated disdain for House Speaker Newt Gingrich--”He’s corrupt. I think that he probably is the epitome of what’s wrong with politicians.”--again illustrates her detachment from what is real in the world today. Her rage toward Republicans as a whole, and Speaker Gingrich in particular, shows her in her full glory--a European-like socialist, infatuated with extending government’s tentacles, bent on avoiding individual/social responsibility, and pointing her finger at the American middle class as the root problem in the plight of the poor.

Waters a non-factor in the American political scene. Ah, it is a new day in America, isn’t it!




* It was most interesting to juxtapose Waters’ attitude toward minority crime (limitless compassion) versus “angry white males” (total disgust). This should not really be surprising, since the universally condoned L.A. riots (uprising, in PC terms). It seems that extreme liberalism frequently masks anti-white racism.


Los Angeles
