
College District Copes With Crisis

* The North Orange County Community College District was recently referred to as a “beleaguered” district. I beg to disagree with that choice of adjective and suggest that we should be called a “determined” district.

We are determined to survive the Orange County bankruptcy.

We are determined to avoid a bankruptcy for our college district.

We are determined to establish a prudent financial plan to get us through this crisis.

We are determined to continue the programs and services which have benefited our students for so many years.

We are determined to adopt a sound investment policy for our district--one that will require timely reports regarding our funds.


The bottom line must continue to be our students, and we are determined to avoid disrupting their immediate, short-term--as well as their long-term--plans.

To prove our determination, our board of trustees has approved a comprehensive bankruptcy workout plan.


Secretary, North Orange County

Community College District

Board of Trustees
