
2 Suspects Held After Drive-By Shooting Kills 1 and Wounds 3

Los Angeles police said at least one person was killed, another critically injured and two others less seriously wounded Friday night in what they termed a drive-by shooting near Wilshire Boulevard and Shatto Place in the Wilshire district.

More than 20 police cars cordoned off an area about a quarter-mile square along Wilshire and Vermont and New Hampshire Avenues, after one of the assailants opened fire on detectives and then escaped into the neighborhood. Helicopters crisscrossed the area searching for the suspect.

A police sergeant said two other suspected assailants were captured.

None of the victims were immediately identified. Ambulances took the wounded to a nearby hospital.


Young people at the Children’s Institute International at 711 S. New Hampshire were locked inside as the search intensified, and Wilshire was closed at Westmoreland Avenue about 9:30 p.m.
