
Huntington Woman Pistol-Whipped, Robbed Near Work

Police on Saturday were looking for a man who robbed and pistol-whipped a 40-year-old woman as she was leaving work.

The incident occurred at 8:50 p.m. on Friday. The woman, a Huntington Beach resident whose name is being withheld by police, was leaving work at a hair salon located at 6263 Warner Ave. As she approached her car, a man confronted her with a handgun and demanded her purse, said Huntington Beach Police Sgt. William Stewart.

The woman resisted, and the gunman “struck her repeatedly in the head” with his pistol, Stewart said. He also choked her and tried to drag her into a large brick enclosure where the trash dumpster is usually kept because she was fighting and screaming loudly.


The gunman continued to beat the woman while taking her jewelry and cash from her purse, police said. He threatened to shoot the victim if she did not hand over her purse, Stewart added.

The robber fled on foot. The victim went to Huntington Beach Medical Center for treatment, Stewart said.
