
Driving Into Eastern Europe

Reversing a policy that it has followed since the Berlin Wall fell, Avis Germany is now letting travelers take cars into most Eastern European countries. Auto Europe, a car rental reservation service based in Portland, Maine, is also permitting its cars to make the trip. Most major rental car companies have not allowed their vehicles to be taken from Western to Eastern Europe since 1989 because of the high rate of theft.

According to an Avis Germany official, two four-door Opels, the Astra ($374 for seven days) and the Vectra ($536) are available, but there are several restrictions. Cars may not be taken into a country at war or with unstable political situations, such as Bosnia-Herzegovina. Minimum rental is seven days and reservations must be made in the United States at least two days before travelers pick up the car. Automatic cars are not available and cars may not be left in Eastern Europe. Consumers must purchase collision and theft insurance and must tell Avis which countries they intend to visit. Information: (800) 331-1084.

Auto Europe’s cars are available at airport locations in six countries. They may be driven into Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Russia, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania and Ukraine. They must be returned to the pickup point. Rates start at $169 for an Opel Corsa. Information: (800) 223-5555.
