
Come Back, Little Sheba (Bravo Sunday at...

Come Back, Little Sheba (Bravo Sunday at 8:05 p.m., Monday at 8 a.m., Wednesday at 8 p.m., Thursday at 9:30 a.m.) is the memorable 1952 film from the William Inge play. It stars Shirley Booth as a middle-aged wife who has let herself go and Burt Lancaster as her alcoholic husband.

The Fugitive (Cinemax Monday at 9:45 p.m.) is a crisp and jolting melodrama that screws the tension pitilessly tight. Tommy Lee Jones plays a U.S. marshal in in hot pursuit of unjustly accused Harrison Ford.

D.O.A (A&E; early Tuesday at 2 a.m.), the potent 1949 original, stars Edmond O’Brien trying to nail those who’ve poisoned him fatally.
