

Regis Wargnier’s romantic and historical epic--a 1992 Oscar winner for best foreign film--spans the final quarter-century of French rule in Indochina. It stars Catherine Deneuve (pictured), who was nominated for best actress, as a rubber plantation owner whose destiny and that of her adopted daughter (Linh Dan Pham) become intertwined with the fate of their country. At heart, “Indochine” is an old-fashioned picture in the sense that “Gone With the Wind” is. And, like the makers of that classic, Wargnier and his collaborators know how to honor the genre while moving beyond it to evoke the often tragic dissolution of a way of life that was privileged for a few while unjust to the many. With Vincent Perez (of “Queen Margot”) Cinemax Wednesday at 7 a.m..
