
POP/ROCKSTP’s Weiland Arraigned: Scott Richard Weiland’s arraignment...

Arts and entertainment reports from The Times, national and international news services and the nation's press


STP’s Weiland Arraigned: Scott Richard Weiland’s arraignment on drug charges ended Monday in Pasadena with a continued-for-diversion ruling, meaning the Stone Temple Pilots’ lead singer must reappear in court Aug. 31 and the charges against him could be dropped should he enter a drug rehabilitation program. The singer was in the courtroom with his lawyer for a May 15 arrest after he allegedly bought rock cocaine from a dealer behind a Pasadena motel. He faces two felony charges for possession and two misdemeanor charges, one for having drug paraphernalia and the other for being under the influence. The maximum sentence he faces is three years and eight months. The day after the arrest, Hole singer Courtney Love read a statement written by Weiland over the air on Los Angeles rock station KROQ-FM (106.7). In the statement, he said, “I have a disease.” A spokesperson for Weiland was unavailable for comment Monday.


Deadhead Riot: Several thousand ticketless Grateful Dead fans rioted outside a concert Sunday night in Noblesville, Ind., tearing down gates behind the stage to get inside and throwing rocks and bottles at police. A second concert scheduled for Monday night was later canceled. Police broke up the crowd with tear gas and arrested 17 people for drug offenses and resisting law officers during the melee, which involved 3,000 to 4,000 people, a police spokesman said. Twenty-five people had been arrested for various offenses earlier in the day. No serious injuries were reported.


See Hugh Later: Actress-model Elizabeth Hurley left Britain for France Monday after a frosty reunion with her movie star boyfriend Hugh Grant, who has been charged with lewd conduct with an alleged Hollywood prostitute. Looking pale and drawn and wearing sunglasses, Hurley, 29, maintained a stony silence when journalists at London’s Heathrow Airport asked her about the future of one of the most glamorous relationships in Britain. “There is no statement and she has no comment to make at the moment,” said her companion, a woman who refused to give her name. . . . Meanwhile, Grant’s appearance in a promo clip for “Nine Months,” a romantic comedy due to be released July 12, has drawn loud responses and howls of laughter from moviegoers. Grant appears in the trailer in various stages of discomfort. “It was hilarious when he was behind bars,” said one fan in New York, referring to a scene showing Grant in a mug shot, echoing the now-famous photograph taken last week at a Los Angeles police station.



Casey Counts Up to 25: Casey Kasem is celebrating a quarter of a century of counting down hits today. Kasem’s “American Top 40” began on July 4, 1970, in Los Angeles. The No. 1 song on his list then was “Mama Told Me Not to Come” by Three Dog Night. The original show is gone, but Kasem has three other countdown shows that are syndicated to more than 1,000 radio stations on the Westwood One Radio Network.


All Women, All the Time: Viva, Britain’s first all-female radio station, went on the air Monday, pledging to put new life into London’s airwaves. “Viva will offer a lively women’s perspective on news issues and the broader topics of the day, intercut with a strand of quality contemporary music,” the new station said. The first radio station programmed to appeal specifically to women will broadcast in London and southeast Britain.


No Comment Yet From Senate Floor: Raven Theater and Cafe This in Santa Rosa are co-sponsoring “The Bob Dole Midnight Movie Series,” a carefully selected collection of films that will be shown each Saturday night starting this week. Scheduled to be shown the first three weeks: “Dazed and Confused,” “Natural Born Killers” and “Blue Velvet.” According to a flyer for the festival, it is “a late-show series that we are sure Bob Dole would think, if he would ever see [it], is deviant filth.”



Generous Gift From Graff: UCLA’s Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts has received a gift of 166 contemporary works on paper from collector Ellen Smith Graff in honor of her late parents, Los Angeles art patrons Dorothy and Benjamin Smith. The gift consists of prints published by Gemini G.E.L. and the Tamarind Lithography Workshop, including works by Jasper Johns, Ellsworth Kelly, Bruce Nauman and Claes Oldenburg. It is the largest donation of contemporary works ever received by the Grunwald, according to director David Rodes.


Saks Fifth Avenue is suing Aretha Franklin over nearly $263,000 worth of allegedly unpaid bills, according to a lawsuit filed Friday in Pontiac, Mich. . . . . Lyricist Bernie Taupin and actors Judith Light and Robert Desiderio will be among those honored Saturday night by Project Angel Food in Los Angeles for their work in fighting AIDS.
