
Derek T. Cheung, vice president and chief...

Derek T. Cheung, vice president and chief scientist at Rockwell International Corp.’s Science Center in Thousand Oaks, has been named 1994-95 manager of the year by Rockwell’s Valley chapter of the National Management Assn. He is responsible for coordinating the work of the Science Center and the company’s other units worldwide.

Lester Miyasaki of Cellular One in Camarillo has been named 1994 salesman of the year for the company’s California/Nevada region. This is the second consecutive year he has received the honor.

Nola Van Bruggen, former payroll administrator of Bank of A. Levy in Ventura, has received a citation of merit for outstanding service from the American Payroll Assn. The award was for her service on a hot line that answered questions from payroll practitioners nationwide.
