
CAMARILLO : Wine-Tasting Event to Benefit Youth Club

Reservations are being taken for the eighth annual “Taste of Camarillo” wine-tasting and auction hosted by the Camarillo Boys & Girls Club.

The benefit event, expected to net the club about $30,000, is to be held on the lawn of the Adolfo Camarillo House at 1 p.m. July 30, said Jay Grigsby, the club’s executive director.

“This is one of our most popular fund-raisers,” Grigsby said. “It seems that every year we have to turn people away at the door.”


The event will feature wines from more than 50 California winemakers.

Additionally, about 40 area restaurants will offer samples of their cuisine, Grigsby said.

A wine auction will take place from 2 to 4 p.m., where the highest bidders will walk away with some classic vintages, including some rare wines autographed by the winemaker.

Tickets are $35 each before July 26. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door for $40. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 482-8113.
