
Marina Dumping

In response to recent publicity about the dredging needed in Channel Islands Marina, I would like to say that although the situation at the corner of Victoria Avenue and Channel Islands Boulevard is very real, it is also very limited.

Both the cities of Port Hueneme and Oxnard have storm drains that dump silt and trash into the water at the location. The problem is particularly bad now because of this year’s heavy rainfall. The problem needs a preventive solution for the future because federal regulations have made dredging an expensive and slow process.

What is needed is cooperation from the cities in finding a way to keep their trash from being dumped in the marina in the first place.


In response to suspicions that the assessment district funds are not being used for the marina, nothing could be further from the truth. The monies paid by homeowners through their annual tax bills are accounted for in a budget from the city of Oxnard. The money is used to maintain the landscaping, waterways, seawall repair and fences and to build a fund for dredging needs. The budget is reviewed with the Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Assn. yearly and discussed at open meetings of the association.


Port Hueneme

Faith Cosby is president of the Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Assn.
