
Southland Enjoys 4th With Celebrations

From A Times Staff Writer

From a festive balloon parade with equestrian teams and antique cars to fireworks exploding in the night skies, events celebrating Independence Day drew tens of thousands of Southern Californians on Tuesday.

The Fourth of July observances marked the 219th anniversary of the fledgling nation’s Declaration of Independence from England in 1776.

Throughout the day, family picnics, neighborhood celebrations and figures of Americana from cowboys to square dancers joined in the festivities.


Newly naturalized citizens received recognition certificates in Monterey Park from a member of the state Legislature, and at Cal State Northridge, a “Spirit of America” celebration included games and rides.

In South Pasadena, flag-waving revelers lined the curbs of Mission Street for a view of the Festival of Balloons Parade, whose theme marked the 100th anniversary of the city’s public library.

“It was wonderful. The parade went smoothly. There’s always a tremendous hometown spirit in South Pasadena for the parade,” said Yvonne Voisin, president of the Friends of the South Pasadena Public Library.


Festivities began early in Rancho Cucamonga with a pancake breakfast, live music and a petting zoo. In Calabasas, the Fourth of July was marked by the 18th annual Lakeside Fun Run and Walk.

For many, the holiday was spent at the beach, above, even though the sun did not make an appearance until the afternoon. Erica Coleman, 3, of Pomona waved at passing bike riders and skaters along the bike path in Santa Monica.

But as dusk approached all eyes turned skyward. One of the most spectacular fireworks displays exploded above the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Thousands oohed and ahhed as 16,000 skyrockets bathed the audience in iridescent colors.


Proceeds from ticket sales will be used to help victims of the April 19 terrorist bombing in Oklahoma City, which killed 168 people.
