
VENTURA : Officials to Tour Regional Malls

In an effort to visualize the potential of the Buenaventura Mall, members of the Ventura City Council, Planning Commission and Design Review Committee will travel Friday to a number of regional shopping centers.

A bus filled with dozens of city officials will leave City Hall at 8:15 a.m. and tour malls in Valencia, Arcadia, Pasadena and Northridge before returning to Ventura by 5 p.m.

Officials and city planners working with the owners of the Buenaventura Mall want to see what other cities have done to expand and promote their shopping centers.


“The tour will give the council a big-picture feel for changes being made in the retail industry across Southern California,” said Steve Chase, an assistant to the city manager.

City officials also will meet with executives from several major retailers to discuss industry trends, Chase said.

Buenaventura Mall owners and the city already have agreed on a tax-sharing plan that will allow the developers to nearly double the size of Buenaventura Mall.


They hope to complete the improvements by the end of 1997.
