
Free Tests Offered for Sickle-Cell Disease

The Sickle Cell Disease Research Foundation is providing free confidential testing and counseling for parents of infants identified with the sickle-cell trait.

A baby born with the trait will not develop the disease, but can pass it on to offspring if he or she mates with another carrier. If both parents have the trait, there is a 25% chance that future infants will be born with sickle-cell disease.

People with sickle-cell disease have abnormally shaped red blood cells and poor circulation. The illness causes great pain and has no cure. Each year, about 80 babies with the hemoglobin trait are born in Ventura County.


Parents of such children should be tested in order to determine if future children of the couple could be born with the disease. Counseling is provided to teach them about the disease.

Appointments can be made for the free testing and counseling by calling 520-6435. The two testing centers in the county are the Pediatric Diagnostic Center at 3400 Loma Vista Road in Ventura and the Medical Arts Building at 2950 Sycamore Drive in Simi Valley.
