
Violence Flares in Troubled Burundi

<i> Reuters</i>

Tutsi militiamen Wednesday stoned a man to death, and witnesses said grenades exploded in the Burundian capital after Hutus killed almost 40 people outside the city in a fresh outbreak of ethnic violence.

Several people were wounded when a grenade detonated between Bujumbura’s central market and the U.S. Embassy. Another grenade went off near the Zairian Embassy.

Burundi, a tiny Central African country, has been torn apart by ethnic bloodletting since the assassination of its first freely elected Hutu president in October, 1993, by renegade soldiers.


The upsurge of violence in Bujumbura followed Burundi radio’s report Tuesday that 24 people were killed Monday night by gunmen attacking Gasorwe village in the north of the country.
