
LAGUNA HILLS : Progress Seen in City’s Annexation Effort

The city’s four-year effort to annex unincorporated land to its northwest may be approaching a successful conclusion.

The City Council said this week that it has a tentative agreement with Orange County on how tax revenue from the area would be distributed.

Under the proposal, the city would keep all sales tax income--about $1.3 million a year--from the area, which has a large number of retail operations. The county would keep about 84% of the area’s property taxes.


The area in question is bordered by Lake Forest Drive on the north, Leisure World on the south, Moulton Parkway on the west and Interstate 5 on the east.

Council member Melody Carruth said Orange County’s December bankruptcy filing put pressure on local officials to resolve the issue of annexation.

The bankruptcy “caused county supervisors to see unincorporated territory in a new light,” she said.
