
A summary of selected City Hall actions last week affecting central Los Angeles.


* BOMBING REWARD: Offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for a June 28 firebombing that damaged a community center near Gardena. Police have identified a local gang as responsible for the crime. A police spokesman from the Southeast Division said: “The motive was that the gang didn’t want the community center there because they feel they control the area.” On June 8, a stolen Cadillac was smashed into the building. Anyone with information can call the watch commander at the Southeast station at (213) 485-6929.

* TB PREVENTION: Authorized the Housing Department to spend $51,021 for two contracts designed to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, mainly tuberculosis, at 25 homeless shelters in the city. The county’s Department of Health Services TB Control will receive $15,615 to acquire state-of-the-art equipment that measures air quality in enclosed spaces. Homeless Health Care Los Angeles will get $35,406 to provide comprehensive TB prevention training to the shelters. The program is designed especially to safeguard from communicable diseases homeless individuals who are HIV-positive or who have AIDS.

* COUNSELING CENTER: Approved a motion that will allow an organization founded to bridge the communication gap between law enforcement and the African American community to lease a vacant fire station for $1 a year for the next five years. The Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation was founded in 1968 by the African American Peace Officers of Los Angeles, who sought to develop closer ties to the community. Fire Station 66, 1715 W. Florence Ave., will be used as a counseling center for at-risk youth, with a recreation center, a library and a computer room. It will also serve as a police recruitment center.


* ACCIDENT SETTLEMENT: Authorized the city attorney to pay $380,000 to a 26-year-old man injured when his parked vehicle was struck by a sanitation truck. On November 4, 1993, Rene Lopez was parked on Broadway near 61st Street when the truck hit his car’s mirror, showering him with shards of glass. A bone in his left cheek was fractured and surgery was unsuccessful, leaving Lopez disfigured and with a speech impediment.

* HOMELESS VETERANS: Authorized the Los Angeles Housing Department to issue a $1.76-million loan to a nonprofit group, New Directions Inc., to develop a 156-bed drug and alcohol rehabilitation center at the West Los Angeles Veterans Administration. The plan involves the renovation of a vacant three-story building, at 11301 Wilshire Blvd. Work on the project is expected to begin in early 1996 and be finished by next summer. Toni Reinis, executive director of New Directions, said “40% of the male homeless population of Los Angeles are veterans, and filling the 156 beds will, unfortunately, be no problem.”
