
Right Start Posts Net Loss of $2.1 Million in Fiscal ’95

The Right Start Inc., a Westlake Village seller of products for infants and young children, reported revenues of $45.7 million for the fiscal year ended May 31, compared with revenues of $50.5 million for the fiscal year ended May 25, 1994.

The company recorded a net loss for fiscal 1995 of $2.1 million, or 33 cents per share, compared with net income of $176,000, or 3 cents per share, last year.

Chief Executive Officer Lenny Targon said that while the company’s catalogue business is facing “challenges,” the chain’s retail performance has been good, with same-store sales for the three stores open longer than one year up 32% for the quarter ended May 31.


The company operates 11 retail stores in high-traffic regional malls across the country.
