
NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA : New Student Conduct Policy Up for Vote

The Newport-Mesa Unified School District board is poised to adopt an expanded policy for student conduct, including provisions to discipline students for hate crimes, threatening conduct and possession of firearms on campus.

The proposal, which will be considered by the board tonight, includes a measure calling for the immediate suspension and probable expulsion of any student caught with a firearm.

The proposal expands on the district’s existing rules and regulations governing student conduct. Additions apply primarily to students caught with a “firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the pupil at school or any school activity off school grounds.”


The new policy also sets out procedures for the school board to accept students into Newport-Mesa who have been expelled from other districts for carrying weapons or threatening others.

In the case of students in special education programs, federal law prohibits school officials from ordering suspensions for more than 10 days without parental consent or a court order. The new policy would provide for speedy disciplinary hearings to meet that mandate.

Another new section applies to students in grades four through 12 who have “caused . . . or participated in an act of hate violence” or “intentionally engaged in harassment, threats or intimidation” of another student or group of students so as to create a hostile school environment.


Tonight’s meeting at 425 E. 18th St. is the board’s last until late August.
