
2 Teens Held in Irvine Robbery, Car Theft

Police arrested two teen-agers Monday who allegedly took part in a home invasion robbery before stealing their victims’ car and crashing it into a signal pole a few miles away.

Police believe five robbers stormed into the home on Southwind, holding three occupants at gunpoint and taking jewelry, electronic equipment and money. One person was hit on the head with a handgun and suffered a minor injury, Police Lt. Sam Allevato said.

At least two of the attackers fled in the family’s burgundy BMW, Allevato said.

While investigators were at the scene, another police officer spotted the car traveling north on the San Diego Freeway near MacArthur Boulevard. Police pursued the vehicle to Euclid Street and Ellis Avenue, where the driver of the vehicle struck a signal pole, dragging it for about a block before stopping, Allevato said.


Two 17-year-olds are being held at Orange County Juvenile Hall on suspicion of armed robbery and evading arrest. The other attackers are still at large, Allevato said.
