
PORT HUENEME : Cargo Shipments Up 15% Over Last Year

The amount of cargo passing through the Port of Hueneme jumped 15% over the last year because of increased citrus exports and automobile imports, Oxnard Harbor District officials said.

Ship arrivals rose 30%, from 278 in 1993-94 to 361 in 1994-95, officials said.

“It’s not something that happened by accident,” said Raymond E. Fosse, president of the Board of Harbor Commissioners. “We’ve done a lot of planning and building over the years so we were ready for the record year we’ve had.”

Port officials expect continued growth this year in citrus exports, tropical fruit imports and automobile imports, Fosse said.


Citrus constitutes 27% of the port’s business while automobiles make up 14% of port activity, officials said. About 935,000 tons of cargo--valued at $2.5 billion--went through the port from July 1, 1994, to June 30, 1995.
