
Clinton Speech to Outline Policy on Preferences

<i> From a Times Staff Writer</i>

After nearly a half year of deliberation, President Clinton will announce his new policy on federal affirmative action programs in a speech on July 19 in the Washington area, White House aides said Tuesday.

The speech will set forth the findings of a lengthy Administration review of race and gender preference programs at a time when rising opposition to them has divided the electorate. The issue could be pivotal for Clinton, who needs to hold his Democratic voter base while winning over more moderate voters.

Clinton invited members of the Congressional Black Caucus to the Oval Office on Tuesday for a discussion of affirmative action and other issues, and won some public expressions of support.


Rep. Donald M. Payne (D-N.J.), chairman of the group, said that--while Clinton did not sketch out the details of his plan--members “feel assured that it’s something we can support and can live with.” There was “no disappointment,” he said.

Aides said that the site and audience for the speech have not been chosen.
