
A Can a Day, That’s All We Eat

A study conducted at the Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland suggests that omega-3 fatty acids, which have already been associated with the prevention of heart disease, may help neurological development in unborn children. One group of 15 women consumed one half to one full can of sardines, providing 2.4 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, every day from the 26th through the 35th week of pregnancy; another 15 pregnant women didn’t have sardines or fish oil supplements. The babies of the latter group were born with significantly lower levels of docosahexaeonic acid, which is considered essential for brain and neurological development, than the babies of the “sardine mothers.”

But Was That Donkey Meat FDA-Approved?

The spring issue of the International Chili Society newsletter reports on a contest in which the winning entry was named Dead Ass Last Chili.

A Small Shock

Recent menus at Michael’s Restaurant in Santa Monica listed some intriguing “San Fernando Valley Quake Greens.” Actually, they were just baby greens (the new menu comes clean about this). It was only a joke, folks. You can stop looking nervously at the chandeliers.
