
Irvine Co. Hires Ex-Spokesman for Wilson

A former press spokesman for Gov. Pete Wilson was named Friday as senior director of corporate communications for the Irvine Co.

Franz Wisner, 29, will manage the company’s media communications and employee communications, the company said. He will report to Senior Vice President Larry Thomas, who left the Irvine Co. briefly last year to work on Wilson’s reelection campaign.

Wisner will start July 31, replacing Dawn McCormick, who is moving to Florida after 10 years at the company.


Most recently, Wisner has headed the Sacramento office of Edelman Public Relations Worldwide. He served as Wilson’s deputy director of communications from 1991 to 1993. He moved to California after serving for two years as deputy press secretary when Wilson served in the U.S. Senate.

Wisner, a Davis native who graduated from Tufts University, started his career managing an Assembly campaign in the San Joaquin Valley and later worked as a production assistant for Roger Ailes Communications in Alexandria, Va.
