
Lake View Terrace : Music Fest to Benefit Police Youth Program

The Hansen Dam Recreation Area will host thousands of families Sunday in a celebration of Mexican music to benefit a Los Angeles Police Department gang-intervention program.

Sponsored by radio stations KLVE-FM 107.5 and KTNQ-AM 1020, “Extravaganza Sin Fronteras” (Extravaganza Without Borders) will feature such performers as Mijares, Pedro Fernandez, Marcos Llunas, Los Fugitivos and Alvaro Torres on two stages.

The annual event is the largest fund-raiser for the five San Fernando Valley divisions of the Jeopardy program, which provides recreational and occupational opportunities for children at risk of joining gangs, said Vicki Edwards, program coordinator for the Foothill Division. “For some of the divisions, this will fund their programs for the entire year,” she said.


Edwards said that among its many programs, Jeopardy provides counseling, job placement and computer training and offers activities such as hockey and dance.

In addition to the musical acts, the festival will include rides, food, game booths and displays from LAPD units such as the bomb squad and SWAT team. Mayor Richard Riordan and several members of the Los Angeles City Council are also tentatively scheduled to attend.

According to Edwards, the event--being held for the fourth time this year--is expected to draw between 40,000 to 60,000 people and will probably top last year’s fund-raising total. “I think last year they raised $80,000,” she said.


Gates open at 10 a.m. and the festival will last until 6 p.m. Admission is $5 and children ages 12 and under are free.
