
Answers for Garden Questions

Want to know how to start a garden? When to plant tomatoes? Or what critter’s munching your lettuce?

Answers to your gardening questions are now just a phone call away. Call the Los Angeles County Master Gardeners at (213) 744-4863 from 10 a.m. through 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. Or leave a message any time day or night or weekends and a master gardener will return your call.

As a graduate of the UC Cooperative Extension Common Ground Garden Program, each master gardener has spent more than 50 hours in class, learning the latest research in growing plants, preparing soil, watering and feeding and pruning, and controlling pests. And they’ve donated at least another 50 hours leading workshops, setting up community gardens and publishing a newsletter.


To get on the mailing list for the next issue of the newsletter, which is on fall and winter gardening, call the number above.
