
Flight Test Fears Spur Request

The Navy has announced it will seek to extend the public comment period on a proposal to allow the service a special airspace over Silver Strand Beach, where it wants to conduct radar and electronics testing.

Officials of the Port Hueneme Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, have said they will seek the extension from the Federal Aviation Administration so they can address concerns raised by Silver Strand residents over the testing plan.

The plan involves flying both military and civilian jet aircraft at low altitude directly at a beachside laboratory to test how well certain electronics jam radar and weapons systems.


The FAA’s regular comment period is scheduled to end today. The Navy’s request would extend the period to Aug. 15.

Silver Strand residents have expressed concerns about the safety of the tests, and about noise that the low-flying aircraft would generate. Under their proposal, the Navy would conduct from 12 to 30 hours of aerial testing each month.
