

The stormy issue of rent control recently overflowed into a discussion about storm water at the Santa Monica City Council.

The spat came as the council discussed how to pay for updating the city’s storm drains and treatment system.

Two of the six council members at the meeting balked at asking property owners to pay the monthly storm water bill, ranging from about $1.50 to $6.50 a parcel.


Without the needed five votes, the new fee seemed destined to go down the drain.

But what if the city’s Rent Control Board could be persuaded to allow landlords to pass the charge on to renters?

That prospect was enough to gain--at least for now--the fifth vote from Councilman Robert Holbrook, an owner of rental property. If the Rent Control Board balks, Holbrook said he will vote against the fee when it comes up for final approval July 25.
