
South Bay : Gardena Official Wins Diversity Award

Ten years ago, the top managers at Gardena City Hall were all white males.

Today, under the stewardship of City Manager Kenneth W. Landau, half of the members of the city’s management team are women and more than half are racial or ethnic minorities.

For that achievement, Landau has received the International City/County Management Assn.’s Workplace Diversity Professional Award. Next month, he will be among those honored at the group’s annual convention in Denver.

“I’m thrilled. It’s like the Academy Awards for city managers,” said Landau, who 12 years ago, when he started in the post at age 28, was hailed as California’s youngest city manager.


Landau’s accomplishment in hiring and promoting minorities is especially appreciated in Gardena, a diverse city with almost equal numbers of Asians, Latinos, African Americans and whites.
