
DANA POINT : Plan for New Roller Hockey Rink OKd

The City Council has approved conceptual plans to expand facilities for the city’s popular youth roller hockey program.

About 400 children participate in the program, nearly half of them from Dana Point, said Bonnie Nicholl, community services manager. Since the roller hockey program began last August, teams have had to play on a small tennis court at the north end of Del Obispo Park.

City planners now want to move the program to a large parking lot in the back of the park, near a sewage treatment plant. Upgrades include the construction of a regulation-size hockey rink, as well as lights, additional parking and bleachers.


“This is the sport of the ‘90s,” said resident and roller hockey coach Randall Boone. “It is time to take the training wheels off and give us a full-sized rink.”

Under the plan, Power Play, which runs the roller hockey program for the city, will pay for the cost of all the upgrades to the rink, with no cost to the city, Nicholl said.

Before the upgrades begin, the city must first conduct an environmental review. The findings will then be presented to the City Council in September, and if they are approved, construction on the new rink should begin in October, Nicholl said.
