
TUSTIN : Trash Pickup Fees to Rise About 10%

Residents can expect their trash-hauling fees to rise by about 10% for 1995-96, mostly due to the county’s bankruptcy, city finance officials said.

The City Council is now considering a plan to have customers pay for trash-hauling service through their regular tax bills in order to save on administrative costs. The fee hike is required to offset the county’s higher trash dumping fees, finance director Ronald Nault said.

Under the revised fee schedule, most residents will pay about $1.14 more a month, bringing their monthly bill to about $12.25. The countywide average as of July 1 was $12.62 a month.


Nault said by having people pay for trash removal through their tax bills, the city will save residents about $25 a year in administrative costs.

The City Council will hold the final public hearing on the plan at 7 p.m. Aug. 7 at City Hall.
