
CRUMBY IDEA: The package probably would have...

CRUMBY IDEA: The package probably would have gone unnoticed at the UPS warehouse in Sylmar early Tuesday. But then somebody saw the words, “This is not a bomb,” written on the side. . . . “Our bomb squad responded and detonated the package before they knew what was inside,” said LAPD Sgt. Kristie Romero. The contents: Cookies. The result? “There were crumbs everywhere,” Romero said.

TOUGH SPOT: The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, a state agency charged with preserving local parkland, finds itself in an unusual position this month. . . . An environmental group is suing the conservancy to block the agency from turning nine acres called Reseda Ridge into a public park. The Friends of Caballero Canyon contends the park could damage the area’s delicate ecosystem (B1).

NIGHT GROOVE: Having trouble sleeping? Why not take a drive down to the bowling alley? . . . Like this late-night bowler, above, many local night owls nest in the narrow lanes of Canoga Park Bowl, where warm-ups begin at midnight and ten-pins clatter past 4 a.m. The clientele ranges from closet bowlers to single mothers (C6).


CSUN SHUFFLE: Paul Bubb is expected to be named interim athletic director at Cal State Northridge today, college sources said Tuesday. . . . Bubb, currently the associate athletic director in charge of external affairs, is expected to replace Bob Hiegert, who has held the post for the past 18 years (C6).

HITTING THE TOWN: City Council members Laura Chick and Mike Feuer on Tuesday proposed bringing City Hall to the people of the Valley. A proposed City Council meeting in October would be held at Pierce College in Woodland Hills. “The purpose is to let the San Fernando Valley know that it is part of the city,” said Chick. . . . Meanwhile, Feuer wants the city to consider the feasibility of more neighborhood meetings (B4).
