
Richmond to Put Ashe Statue on Historic Street

<i> From Associated Press</i>

A bronze statue of the late African American tennis pro Arthur Ashe will be placed along Monument Avenue, the same street where statues honor Confederate leaders who fought to maintain slavery more than a century ago.

“I am elated, first because the city of Richmond had the chance to move forward, and second because Arthur will be honored,” said Ashe’s brother, Johnnie, after Tuesday’s City Council vote.

Ashe was the first black to win a Wimbledon title. He died of AIDS in 1993. His likeness will be the only modern monument among statues honoring Civil War Gens. Robert E. Lee and J.E.B. Stuart, and Confederate President Jefferson Davis.


Supporters said putting the monument to Ashe on the city’s most symbolic--and arguably its most beautiful--street is an important counterpoint to Richmond’s legacy of slavery and segregation.

The 6-0 vote followed seven hours of often emotional comment from blacks and whites divided over where to put the monument.
