
VENTURA : Details Arise in Dog-Beating Case

Details of Moxie the dachshund’s brush with death are emerging now that the burglar who smashed the dog’s skull last month has been arrested.

A 16-year-old east Ventura boy was arrested at home by Ventura detectives on Tuesday and booked into juvenile hall on suspicion of burglary and cruelty to animals. Police said the suspect confessed.

Police said they identified the youth through anonymous tips from people outraged by Moxie’s beating.


The boy cried and expressed remorse as he confessed to beating the dog while burglarizing a family’s home, Ventura Detective Sean Conroy said.

Apparently it was the sausage-shaped pooch’s tenacity that led to her vicious beating, according to Conroy.

Sensing the boy was up to no good, Moxie stood her ground, barking incessantly, Conroy said. The boy picked her up and tried to lock her in the home’s garage to muzzle her yapping. But Moxie put up a fight.


She jumped out of his arms, continued to bark and nipped the boy’s hands and ankles, Conroy said.

Fearful that Moxie was alerting neighbors, the boy panicked and picked up a large, metal flashlight from the garage and slammed the dachshund twice across the left eye until she was unconscious.

The boy, who has no prior police record, then entered the home and stole several thousands dollars worth of jewelry and stereo equipment--most of which has been returned, Conroy said.


Moxie has recovered well, said her owner, Leah Pinsky, 13. She spends her days romping in the yard and eating from a chest of dog treats donated by concerned residents. She still sleeps outside because she’s “kind of stinky,” Leah said.

But Moxie lost more than an eye: The wizened and weary mutt has lost her trust of strangers.

“She used to run up to people wagging her tail and licking them,” Leah said. “Now she keeps her distance.”
