
CULVER CITY : Garden Club Show Offers Plants for Sale at Out-of-the-Past Prices

Growing things and a glimpse of the past will be available at the Culver City Plant Show and Sale this weekend.

This is the 42nd year that the Culver City Garden Club, 56 members strong, has displayed and sold its plants at the yearly event. Some club members have been involved with the group since it formed.

And the prices too are a thing of the past--some plants selling for as little as a quarter.


“We sell our plants pretty reasonably so you can get bargains that way,” said Robert Lindgren, a 15-year member of the club who lives in Hawthorne.

The sale will include ferns, begonias, African violets, orchids, blooming cactus and exotic plants, many of which have been cultivated for several years.

The free event will be at Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium on Saturday from 2 to 6 p.m., Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
