Marlboro College
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* Stephen Bailey (letter, May 7) is mistaken and misinformed when he characterizes Marlboro College’s unique democratic form of self-governance as a “democracy without accountability.” Marlboro College is not a parochial school like Shalhevet High School. We do respect the strong moral and ethical social message found in Judaism, but the moral guidelines of most religious schools emanate from their religion itself. Secular schools such as Marlboro do not have such guidelines. In a democratic society, these moral guidelines are determined by discussion and debate among the members of the community. At Marlboro, we believe in students’ abilities to help forge a moral environment. When students are encouraged to democratically participate in their community, they are in fact developing precisely the “personal responsibility and accountability” and are gaining “honesty, integrity and pro-social behavior” which Bailey rightly notes are essential components of any moral education.
While students do have a considerable say in the day-to-day affairs and policy-making of Marlboro College, they do not determine academic policy.
Public Relations Coordinator
Marlboro College
Marlboro, Vt.