
L.A. SPEAK : Prosecutor Parlance

bleed ‘em & plead ‘em n.: a defense attorney who puts on a show and then pleads the client guilty prior to trial.

hallway hero n.: a prosecutor whose stories of his exploits in court exceed reality.

hanger n.: a case in which a hung jury is likely.

NHI: abbreviation for “No Humans Involved.” A case where everyone involved (victim, witnesses, defendant) is probably guilty.

paper v.: to file a motion to have a judge disqualified from hearing a case. “The judge was biased, so I papered him so fast it made his head spin.”


pissing backward v.: when a witness gives testimony that contradicts what he said previously to police or prosecutors.

sandbag v.: to hold back an argument or evidence in order to surprise the other side.

walk the dog v.: to try a case that the prosecution is sure to lose. “The defendant won’t take a deal, so you’ll just have to walk the dog.”
