
Northridge : Feuer Will Appear With State Controller

Councilman Mike Feuer and state Controller Kathleen Connell will be the featured speakers at a Valley Industry and Commerce Assn. board of directors meeting today.

Feuer will discuss his recent efforts to have at least one city employee assigned to help the owners of earthquake-damaged buildings in his council district, according to his assistant chief deputy, Cynthia Corona.

Corona said chances are good that the city Community Services Department will designate one or two employees to help owners of quake-damaged property in Sherman Oaks, Studio City and the Westside get loans to do repairs. Working on a temporary basis, they would also help property owners get the necessary city permits.


Feuer will also talk about a proposal to fund improvements along Ventura Boulevard through assessment districts and will discuss his recent steps to dismantle a redevelopment project in Sherman Oaks. The meeting will be at noon in the Sears employee lounge of the Northridge Fashion Center.
