
VENTURA : New Rent-Control Law Is Reversed

Backing away from a strict new mobile home rent-control law adopted only a week ago, the Ventura City Council has reversed its decision and extended the existing law indefinitely, with few changes.

Council members approved the reversal early Tuesday after city staff members told the panelists that the proposed law was too complex to fully analyze before the existing law expires Sept. 10.

Instead, Terry Adelman, director of management resources, recommended that the city keep its existing ordinance until the impacts of the proposed law can be fully evaluated.


Among other things, the proposed law would have prevented mobile home park owners from charging for maintenance and repair projects--a practice that tenants say contributes to spiraling rents.

It also would have created a mediation board and a “rent administrator” to settle future disputes between the park owners and tenants.

Mobile home owners did win one concession from the council: Park owners will no longer be allowed to raise rents on the space after a tenant sells a mobile home.


“There was a bit of relief, but we didn’t get anywhere near what we wanted or really need,” said Richard Schmittou, who owns a coach in the Lemon Wood Mobile Home Park.

Schmittou said he did not blame council members for backing away from the proposed law.

“They probably didn’t realize what they were voting for or against,” he said. “We hope they benefit from education, and will allow changes that will benefit the homeowners in the future.”
