
Base Closings

Re “Clinton Assails Panel but OKs Base Closings,” July 14.

Please take the time to help our fellow Californians realize that the “earnest concern” for the loss of jobs in California and Texas shown by President Clinton is better known as posturing. Do not be comforted by his plea to prevent injuring the Latino middle class. California and Texas are “swing” states, and Clinton knows his demographics. The amount of electoral votes contained in each is enough to significantly change the outcome of an election. He was so concerned with the plight of the middle class that he signed the measure anyway.

Please don’t misunderstand. I support the reduction of the bases when their only other major consideration for remaining open is to keep the jobs. Government is in place to protect and aid the citizens, not to be the nation’s employer.

If the people are fed up with the turn of the nation, they need to become involved in changing it. Most people say that government is in the hands of special interest groups. Then people should join the group that supports their position. Do not allow the public to become caught up in the rhetoric of the pre-election feeding frenzy.



San Pedro

* Now it is time to look at our overseas bases. Although the miliary contends that it does not cost them any more to maintain an overseas base, all the salary paid to the civilian employees goes into the local economy. Also, an indirect expense of these bases is the cost of housing, food and utilities paid by service members’ families who are living on the local economy.

It would certainly help compensate for the large number of jobs we have recently lost.


Los Angeles

DENNIS RENAULT, Sacramento Bee

Friendly fire.
