
South Bay : Real Estate Agent Faces Fine for Holding Community Garage Sale

Real estate agent Steve Watts merely wanted to get his father’s Rolling Hills Estates neighbors together for a community garage sale.

The 42-year-old realtor thought the event would “bring back some community spirit.” Instead, it has him facing criminal charges for violating city codes.

Watts sent out letters to homeowners in May asking if they would like to participate in a community garage sale. More than 20 residents on several neighboring streets said yes and the event was slated for the last weekend in June.


But city officials received complaints about the planned event and told him he needed to apply for a temporary use permit. Fearing he wouldn’t get it, Watts decided to hold the garage sale anyway.

To appease city officials, Watts tried to scale back the sale. He pulled down signs and didn’t fill up any balloons. But more than 100 bargain hunters spilled onto the neighborhood’s quiet streets and city officials said they caused traffic problems.

Watts was later cited for sponsoring an activity with more than 25 participants without a permit. He faces fines and a term of summary probation.


Said Planning Director Richard Thompson: “We have to uphold the law.”
