

You will notice some changes in our newspaper today.

First, we have added another day of Newswatch on A1, so that the column will appear Monday through Saturday. Conversations with readers show that Newswatch is a popular feature--keying readers to stories they might miss and giving them a heads-up on news that is coming down the pike.

Second, we have unified the east and west county editions. This means that our complete coverage of the entire county is available in a single edition. This production change will help us be more cost-effective, and respond to the economic realities of Southern California, while providing you with the same quality and quantity of news about Ventura County.

As you can see by today’s edition, there’s a lot of news inside this section. The Highlights column on the left will help guide you to the coverage that goes beyond B1.


Working out of offices in Ventura, Simi Valley and Thousand Oaks, our news team is proud to keep you informed about what is happening in this special county that we call home.

Julia C. Wilson, Ventura County Editor
